
From WebOS-Ports
Revision as of 10:24, 2 June 2014 by Tofe (talk | contribs) (First draft of the notifications for WebOS-Ports)
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The notification API needs to be updated in WebOS-Ports. The requirements for this API are:

- Compatible with Freedesktop's notifications API
- Flexible
- Simple to use
- Include creation, update and deletion of notifications

One candidate for inspiration is Chrome's notifications API: see .

Current status of the API

* The DBus notifications are currently supported. 
* A very simple LS2 API is available: luna://org.webosports.luna/createNotification with the same arguments are for the DBus notification creation API.


The current proposal is to integrate the ideas of the Chrome Notifications API (templates,...) while keeping a compatibility with Freedesktop's notifications.